What works for me #3

During the restoration of my Austin 7 it became apparent that a number of items located were in need of derusting prior to repairs and installation. Particle or soda blasting is not always an option depending on the item in need of attention however I recalled an article published earlier from a specialist in chemistry […]
What works for me #2

For over 50 years I have randomly driven my Austin sevens and enjoyed every moment of the experience however, as a classic car it can often be that I only use the vehicle 3 or 4 times a year and of course this is further exacerbated by the choice of which of the 3 sevens […]
What Works For Me #1

Recently whist playing with my Austin7 I spilt engine oil onto my jeans & grease onto my rugby top. Some might say ‘’what’s new I do that all of the time’’ well so do I, but this was an unexpected accident that I wasn’t dressed for therefore I wanted to save the new garments if […]