Austin Seven Centre


Parts and Accessories to keep your Austin Seven going!

PLEASE NOTE: Prices are correct at time of publishing. However fluctuations in the currency exchange rates can increase or decrease prices throughout the year. If in doubt, telephone us for an update.


The list of new and preowned books available is illustrated in our catalogue but as the majority are ‘out of print’ please check availability with me prior to ordering.

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2769AllBook750 Companion, 750 M.C.$85
2804AllBookA Digest of Technical Articles, P.W.A7C$25
2767AllBookA Guide to Building Reproduction Austin, Gould$98
2850AllBookA Guide to Building Reproduction Austin, Gould$98
2850AllBookAmerican Austin-Bantam, D. Narus$70Ê
2768AllBookAustin Seven 1922-1982, Brooklands$50
2835AllBookAustin Racing History, R. C. Harrison$60
3432AllBookAustin Seven Cars 1930-1935, Brooklands$50
2833AllBookAustin Seven, R. BuggÊ$48
2757AllBookAustin Seven Centre Catalogue, UKÊ$60
3430AllBookAustin Seven Competition Cars, M. EyreÊ$38
2826AllBookAustin Seven Competition History, Canning BrownÊ$185
3433AllBookAustin Seven, HarveyÊ$55
2823AllBookA Record of Achievement,, FactoryÊ$45
2825AllBookAustin Seven in the 30s, BrooklandsÊ$50
2771AllBookAustin Seven Source Book PurvesÊ$275
2773AllBookAustin Seven Specials, WilliamsÊ$60
2807AllBookBasic Fitting, C. GouldÊ$45
2810AllBookBert Hadley, A.HadleyÊ$60
2813AllBookBuilding and Racing My 750, Stephens$35
2756AllBookCastrol Lubrication, CastrolÊ$29
2809AllBookColemanÕs Drive, J. ColemanÊ$30
2829AllBookColemanÕs Cars, J. ColemanÊ$50
2821AllBookGuide to Austin SevenÊ$45
2832AllBookDesign for Competition, 750 Motor Club$100
2578AllBookGuide to the Austin 65, GouldÊ$80
2812AllBookHerbert Austin, A Melbourne Mechanic, ItterÊ$65
2811AllBookHerbert Austin New Perspective, BrindleyÊ$65Ê
2828AllBookIdentifying Austin Sevens from their Factory Initials, A.S.C.A.Ê$45
2824AllBookImmortal Austin Seven, , MorganÊ$110
2814AllBookList of Production Changes, A.S.C.A.Ê$50
2801AllBookMiss Daisies Diaries, P. HuntÊ$30
2800AllBookOriginal Austin Seven, R. MillsÊ$160
2827AllBookSpecial Builders Guide, 750 M.C.Ê$55
2831AllBookStanley Edge, C. GarnerÊ$50
3431AllBookThe Austin Seven -1939, Wyatt,Ê$50Ê
2783AllBookThe Austin Seven HandBook FactoryÊ$45
2766AllBookThe Austin Seven Journal, FactoryÊ$110
2792AllBookThe Austin Seven List of Spare Parts, FactoryÊ$45
2765AllBookThe Austin Seven Manual , WoodrowÊ$195
2770AllBookThe Austin Seven Motor for the Millions, WyattÊ$130
2806AllBookThe Austin Seven ÔBoddyÕ$45
3434AllBookThe Austin Seven ÔProfileÕ$35
2763AllBookThe Austin Seven, ÔWoodÕ$25
2759AllBookThe Austin Seven Book NicholsonÊ$79
2774AllBookThe Book of the Austin Seven and Eight, Pitman$25

Note: When ordering a book please enquire as to the condition of the publication prior to placing your order as the condition can vary considerably. Therefore please refer to the table hereunder:

Ppages torn or missing or soiled.ES/Bdenotes an estate book.
Gpages complete, some soiling.N/Bdenotes new book.
VGpages complete, minimal soiling.OOPdenotes out of print.
Epages complete, very clean condition.NDCdenotes no dust cover.
MMint condition ie, very clean condition.RP denotes reprint copy.

The list of new and preowned books available is illustrated in our catalogue but as the majority are ‘out of print’ please check availability with me prior to ordering.

PLEASE NOTE: Prices are correct at time of publishing. However fluctuations in the currency exchange rates can increase or decrease prices throughout the year. If in doubt, telephone us for an update.


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Banking Details

Please contact Wayne for bank details

More Parts & Accessories...

252522-35Axle Shaft, changeovereach$250.00
252635-37Axle Shaft, changeovereach$250.00
252737-39Axle Shaft, changeovereach$250.00
2563AllBadge, ÔAustin 7Õ Script (lapel or hat)each$20.00
2560AllBadge, ÔChummyÕ (lapel or hat)each$20.00
2552AllBadges, ÔWheel on WingsÕ, Pewter (lapel or hat)each$29.00
2561AllBattery 6 volt, 66AH, Period Styleeach$180.00
1542AllCarburettor, SU 11/8, pre owned and as foundeach$175.00
1656AllCarburettor, SU, Adapter to A/7each$50.00
1502AllCarburettor, SU, brass period style air cleanereach$95.00
162022-34Cardan Housing, tunnel cover plateeach$42.00
157322-34Chassis Cowhornspair$150.00
1553AllChoke (air strangler) dash puller, Ulster Sports Styleeach$100.00
254322-34Cut out/fuse box, Lucas pre owned & as foundeach$495.00
1585AllDistributor, Bosch Conversion with new geareach$250.00
1600AllEngine stand, rotating & able to be dismantledeach$250.00
1503AllExhaust Silencereach$180.00
251122-28Fan pulley, modified roller bearingeach$99.00
2511A29-33Fan pulley, modified roller bearingeach$99.00
1534AllFuel inline fitter, period style – Zenitheach$49.00
2853AllGreeting cards ÔAustin 7Õ, Blankeach$3.50
2852AllGreeting cards ÔAustin 7Õ, Happy Birthdayeach$3.50
806A28-31Headlamp Glass 7Ó cleareach$20.00
2956Headlamps, Lucas R40.pairPOA
295729-31Headlamps, Lucas R47pairPOA
297326-28Headlamps, Lucas R515pairPOA
2504AllHorn, ÔBenjaminÕ Replicaeach$275.00
2506AllHorn, ÔRistÕ Replicaeach$275.00
1574AllHub restraining tool, folds for under seat storageeach$35.00
2515AllIgnition coil, 6 volt blackeach$90.00
49533-39Ignition spade key ÔLucasÕ (genuine)each$10.00
251825-28Ignition switch Panel, Lucas (magneto)each$450.00
251928-31Ignition switch Panel, Lucas (coil)each$450.00
289622-33Model Car, tin plate, ÔChummyÕeach$48.00
289730-31Model Car, tin plate, ÔUlsterÕeach$48.00
289930-31Model Car, resin, ÔUlsterÕeach$30.00
250022-34Motor meter, Boyce, new thermometer fitted originaleach$250.00
2977AllNumber plate (display), black & white, AUSTINeach$50.00
2975AllOil drip tray, folding vinyl for under seat storageeach$45.00
2981AllOil gauge 0-100 P.S.I., suit pressure fed engineseach$250.00
2954AllOil gauge 0-60 P.S.I., suit pressure fed engineseach$20.00
252030-32Oil gauge, David Harcourt originaleach$450.00
157728-29Oil buttoneach$225.00
1555AllOil Pump, changeovereach$180.00
77AllOil Pump vaneseach$TBA
1511AllRunning board brass kick plates, as casteach$100.00
252922-30Seat frameseach$495.00
252224-31Shock absorber short link, machine finisheach$25.00
252426-34Spare wheel (19Ó) vinyl covereach$85.00
296122-34Spare wheel steel carriereachP.O.A
20AllSpark plugseach$10.00
252326-31Speedo, Smiths P.A., ready to installeach$495.00
251223-28Starter Motor Lucas switch, as foundeach$50.00
251728-31Starting crank handleeach$98.00
251628-31Starting Shaft (cross type)each$105.00
2971AllSteering wheel leather covereach$45.00
253126-32Tailight, Lucas AT201each$250.00
253234-39Tailight, Lucas T101 (Pork Pie)each$250.00
2988AllTool kit, collectors starter kit, includes tool roll, pliers, double end Austin script 7/16 spanner, 4 inch adjust- ing spanner and Shelly lifting jackeach$250.00
2976Tool Roll (reproduction)each$85.00
1649A26-34Tyre set (5) Avon 3.50×19, incl tubes & rim band. Also available singles P.O.A.setP.O.A.
1500AllValve chest aluminium cover, ÔAustin ScriptÕeach$95.00
1593AllValves sports semi finished blanks, oversizedeach$15.00
1557AllValves sports springseach$TBA
1527AllWheel nuts (brass)each$7.00
1501A26-34Windscreen pillars, multi sizedpair$280.00
167522-31Window rear oval frames for vanpair$150.00

The list of new and preowned books available is illustrated in our catalogue but as the majority are ‘out of print’ please check availability with me prior to ordering.


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Banking Details

Please contact Wayne for bank details

PLEASE NOTE: Prices are correct at time of publishing. However fluctuations in the currency exchange rates can increase or decrease prices throughout the year. If in doubt, telephone us for an update.

Conditions of Sale

2.1   All goods are sold on Austin 7 Centre Conditions of Sale. Should the terms of the purchaser’s order be inconsistent with these Conditions of Sale then delivery of the goods to the Purchaser shall constitute an offer by Austin 7 Centre to sell to the Purchaser on these Conditions of Sale which offer will deemed accepted by the Purchaser taking possession of the goods.

2.2   The property in any goods shall not pass to the purchaser until such time as Austin 7 Centre has been paid in full all monies owing for the goods.

2.3  All claims for wrong or short deliveries must be made in writing within 7 days from receipt of goods.

2.4   All requests for a credit must quote the original invoice number and date of invoice.

2.5   Goods returned without approval will not be accepted unless forwarded at the consignor’s expense. Approved returns must use our specified carrier.

2.6   All prices shown are Plus Carriage Costs.

2.8   Many of our products come with a guarantee or warranty from the manufacturer. In addition, they come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other foreseeable loss or damage. You are entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. Full details of your consumer rights may be found at

2.9   All prices are subject to change without notice. Prices charged will be the ruling prices at the date of invoicing.

Trading Terms

1.1   All prices listed in our price list are inclusive of GST.

1.2   Our payment terms are strictly net.